5 sources of information to help your climbing

The internet is FULL of information on climbing these days. If anything it’s a case of knowing what not to include in your list of resources rather than what we should have in there. Nevertheless I’m going to throw at you 8 of my favourite resources (some well known,...

Why outdoor bouldering could be a game changer for you

Unless you are some kind of Gecko person, expect your first few ventures onto real rock to be somewhat humbling. The grade that you climb indoors may well be significantly higher than the grades you succeed on outdoors.But this isn’t all bad, to succeed you will be...

Strength & Conditioning (and why it matters!)

I’m a coach (rather than a straight up instructor) so it’s my job to not just spoon-feed you answers. I’m here to guide you, and to help you decide where you want to take your climbing.So here’s my big question for you: What are your intentions? Why are you climbing?...